Star Wars, USA, and horses. Three of my favorite things. ;)
I was born 27 years ago in Seoul, South Korea on a military base. My first introduction to Star Wars made me cry. The scary aliens in the cantina scene scared me to bits. (I've always been a pansy, I still don't watch horror movies. But I love vampire and werewolf films, if done right.) It wasn't until closer to 11 years of age where I actually re-watched Star Wars and fell in love.
In 6th grade I could recite the entire first movie. By 7th I was trying to remember Empire Strikes Back. I've read all the books up to the Youghuasdlkfsv, whatever those crazy aliens started popping into the books. I wasn't a big fan, so I stopped reading. Though I do read Timothy Zahn's book every now and then. I probably should get new copies mines getting a little worn. I <3 me some Thrawn baby.
I've dressed up as Princess Leia twice. Once properly when I was in middle school, though my honeybuns came out running to the school bus. And second time where I was goth corseted version of Princess Leia. A vice president at school looked at me, smiled, and shook his head. We saw the midnight showing of Phantom Menace that night.
501st is my newest goal. I can't wait for my uniform and start the process of trying to get in. I don't ever call myself the biggest Star Wars nerd in the world. But gosh darn it, it does make me a happy camper.
I have a Stormtrooper fetish. When I was a kid I hated seeing them being shot down. Why are they the bad guys? I mean come on Imperials are sooo much cooler. Their uniforms are far superior to the rebels. :P
If only I could find a man who dresses up in a Stormtrooper uniform, is rich, has season tickets to the Capitals, won't mind the ponies, and deal with me. I mean is that so much to ask! :P
Anyways. I didn't get oodles of presents. But I have to say I had a great day. 2011 has been an up and down year with more ups.
If anybody reads this blog, thank you. I haven't been posting too much boot related stuff lately, but I will. So just hold tight.
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